Tuesday, September 25, 2007

6X's Blog

This year we will experiment with using a blog to express ourselves as a classroom community.

First though we need to think about what a blog is. Look at this video about blogging created by some younger children.

What do you notice about what can be in a blog?

What do you think would be the advantage of having a blog?

How do you think we could use it to respond to literature?


Anonymous said...

1.A blog can have videos,music,picters,and text.
2.You can write coments and express yourself.
3.You could do writing on your blog.
Yonit O.

Anonymous said...

I think the advantage to have a blog if it's used right it can help people. I notice that great things can be in a blog and horrible thing can too. We can answer questions into litererature.

Thank you.
Kevin D.

Anonymous said...

1.I think that there can be videos, pictures, and text.

2.The advantage of a blog is that if your teacher tells you to do something for homework then she can just put it right on the blog.

3.You can look at some pictures from the book your reading and it can help you look at the setting.
Kayla R.

Anonymous said...

1. One thing that can be in a blog is vidio.

2. One andvantig to having a blog is that if a teacher tells you to go somewere on the internet and that it is on our blog we can just go there.

3. It can help you with your home work and then you can learn stuff.

Avigail H

Anonymous said...

There can be pictures in a blog and movies.

I think the advantage of having a blog is you can comunicate withe freinds nicly.

We would be able post on our blog information about the book.


Anonymous said...

I noticed that you can use a blog for hw, videos and photos.

I think an advatige of having a blog is that you can be more social with your class.

You can use a blog for literature to put guestions for a sirten class.

Eliana I

Anonymous said...

In a blog there can be vidieo's, music, and text.

I think the advantige of having a blog is that if there is an assighment you can check it up on a blog.

i think we can reaspond it to literiture from the information from the blog.

Anonymous said...

1. in blogs you can post videos, pictures, and text

2. The advantage of a blog is that you can post diffrent information.

3. If you and a frien are reaing the same book you can pass diffrent opiniones and comments
Yon h.

Anonymous said...

1.A blog can have almost anything like pictures, movies and tapes.
2.I think an advantage of having a blog is that unlike a journal you can show emotion by hearing, seeing and expressing yourself with pictures.
3.You could have a debate on texts completely on the internet.
Avidan G.

Anonymous said...

I think the blog can have videos, pictures, words and music.Your teacher can post something and if you have something on the blog your teacher can get it by looking it up. We can write an essay....

Lia H.

Anonymous said...

I think the advanteges of having a blog are that you can ask your teacher or classmates questions about homework or anything you havequestions on.It will help you to respond to literature by having to write an approprite thing online and by having to write better sentences.You can anwser questions on a blog put videos,music and talk to your friends.
Talia P

Anonymous said...

1. In a blog there can be pictures, movies and comments.

2. The advantage of having a blog would maybe be because you can post questions if you are a teacher and all the students have to answer and you can see all the comments.

3.we can use it to show other people riddles.

Anonymous said...

I noticed that within a blog can be videos, pictures, sound, and text.

I think the advantage of having a blog is that is that you can respond to what other people and share your opinions.

I think you can use it to respond to literature by answering the posted questions, and proving your answer.

Goldi W.

Anonymous said...

1. In a blog there can be videos and other audio, a section to post comments/questions and information.
2. Having a blog lets you go onto the computer and answer questions and respond to other people's questions and answers. The blog is public so anyone from our class can read what you wrote and respond to what you said. It is also much easier than writing.
3. When we read The Watsons Go
To Birmingham a lot of questions will come up. People will be able to argue or agree with what you said, and everyone can understand the book from another person's perspective.
-Rebecca S.

Anonymous said...

I think a blog can have videos, picture,text and maybe even music. I think the advantage of having a blog is if you need help with something you could look it up. We can write diffrent text.

Carolyn C

Anonymous said...

Information posted in the way of: audio, video, photograph and text.

Having the power to voice information on a wide rang audience.

By giving our ideas and feelings publicly.

Alex R.

Anonymous said...

1.In a blog you can post your coments and feelings.

2.Having a blog can help you with school work,and any other things that will keep you orginized.

3.We can use it to write about what were reading and what we feal about the book and in writing it will help you think of other ideas and keep you focused.

Anonymous said...

1. I have noticed that there are a-lot of inapropriate things that could easily offend someone.

2. The advantige of having a blog would be to just like express your self

3. By making a little summary so 0people that would like to learn about that book.

Sammy M.

Sammy M.

Anonymous said...

In a blog there can be vidieo's , music and text.

I the advantige of having a blog is that if you have a report and you dont have something that you need for the wotk then you van check the blog.

Anonymous said...

I noticed that there can be a video, and that you can post comments.

I think that the adventage of having a blog is that you can comunicate with your classmates and teachers.

Anonymous said...

1. In a blog there can be pictures, movies, and comments.

2.An advantage of a blog is that you can show other members things.

3. We can talk about a book and have discutions.

Ayelet R.

Anonymous said...

1.You can have videos,subtitles and music in blogs.
2.Writing things that have happened at school and other places.
3.By having things that have to do with literature.


Anonymous said...

Thigs about you like videos, pictures, and text.

You could post assighnments, homework, and questions.
Ari N.

Anonymous said...

1. I noiced that a lot of things can be on a blog such as homework assighnments and notices.
2.I think the advantege of having a blog is so you can respond to what other people say
3. You can post pictures of a book and we would have to describe them.