Sunday, October 21, 2007

Considering Setting: Fashion from the Watsons Era

Fashion is an indicator of the times. Looking at clothing of a certain period gives the viewer a sense of what people and attitudes were like. For example, during World War II trenchcoats were popular, making the wearers look military.

Look at the following links to see what people wore in the late 1950s early 1960's. Notice what people were wearing, the materials, the styles, (formal or informal dress) and how comfortable or uncomfortable the clothing looked.

1)From what you observed, what was considered appropriate clothing for students during the 1960s?

2)How was the fashion similar or different from what students wear today? Explain.

3) Do you think the clothes look comfortable or uncomfortable? Why?


Anonymous said...

1. The boys wore a button down shirts with the top button closed. Somtimes they wore a tie and a suit.
2. I think that the clothes that we wear today are similar to what they wore back then. In Some schools people wear a button down shirt with a tie, and sometimes they even wear a suit jacket.
3. I think that the clothes are uncomfotable because thay wear really stiff jeans and tight button down shirts.

Adi B.

Anonymous said...

1.boys had to were a tie or a bow tie button down shirts
girls had to wear dresses

2. different because we dont have to were ties or bow ties and girls dont have to were dresses only.

3. they look a little ichy so not really cofetable

Eliana I.

Anonymous said...

They were different from what us and they wore because they were in uniforms and we aren't. I don't think theyre comfterble

Anonymous said...

1. I would say the boys wore but down shirts with supporters.If they were to go to an event theyu would most likely where a suit with a tie.
2. Well, according to our school dress code, we should be wearing similar clothing besides the supportes.All thats really different is that they where supporters and button down shirts. We can just where colored shirts, it does not have to be buuton-down.
3. I think they look un comfortable because it is a lot of stuff to put on and it looks like very heavy clothing. There also wore very tight jeans and that also looks uncomfortable.

Anonymous said...

3. I think that the clothes Kenny had to wear looked stiff and uncomfortble because they had to wear thier shirts all the way bottoned up and with a belt. The jeans also looked like they were never worn.

2.The clothes from that time look very different then the clothes we wear today because we dont wear ties to school unless its Yoni on picture day.We also are not allowed to wear jeans.

1.The appropriate clothing in the time of Kenny for students wasa button down shirt buttoned all the way up

Avidan G.

Anonymous said...

1.the boys wore buttondown shirts with all buttons buttoned and they were collerd shirts and some times a tie. the girls wore dresses that were long sleave dresses.
2.i think a lot of girls ware dresses and a lot of boys dress in butondown cooler shits so the pritie much the same.
3. i think some of the dreses look ichy dresses but some dont and that the boys shirts look tight and the pants look tight too.